Book of abstracts

Abstract submission information

Applications for the SpeakVar workshop can be administered via EasyChair by uploading 2+1 pages abstracts.

Abstract formatting rules

The main text of the abstracts should be no longer than 2 pages. Figures, tables, and references may extend to an additional third page. The text should be Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced, and justified. Please make sure that the abstract does not include any reference to the authors (names, affiliations, e-mail addresses, acknowledgment, form of referring to your previous works) at the first submission in order to fully support the double-blind peer review process. The abstracts have to include references!

The formatting guidelines are available here in Word format: English, Hungarian.

Deadline and submission page

Submission URL: EasyChair.

Submission deadline: July 23, 28, 2023.